
I started reading chapter books!

Can you believe it?  Daddy brought me the first chapter book, thinking it might be too much for me to be focused. I impressed him! Haha. Wizard of Oz. I can follow the story, memorize some parts, and also discuss that with daddy.  When I stayed in Seattle, I said many things that impressed the grandparents too. For example, I said that "it is our reflection in the mirror". Yes, I am a super cutie pie! Today I could not fall asleep easily. So mom came to me and told me a story about little horse cross the river. We discussed a bit too. Maybe it is best to take a boat if you are not sure about the water depth. Then mommy kissed me good night all over my face (as usual her way, haha). But I still could not sleep, mom asked if I want a music book. I said yes. I sang along for a while. Mommy came to my bedroom again and asked which song I like, and we sang several songs together then she tucked me in. She is so proud of me and herself too (not stressed about tomorrow/sleeping too ...

What is life

    小妹妹来了十天多。 我是一个很好的哥哥。 爸妈阿姨都一直在夸我是个小暖男。出门前,我会跑去告诉妈妈我准备好了。让我们把小妹妹放进推车里。在外面的时候,我喜欢推着小妹的推车。当别人抱着小妹的时候,我会注意观察着,试着把小毯子给她盖上或者拾起来给大人。我走到哪里都会记着我的小妹妹。我很爱她。 我们家的月嫂阿姨人很好,给我们做了很多好吃的,还承担了好多家务,还陪我玩。妈妈开玩笑说月嫂阿姨是中国第五大发明(其他四个是火药,活字印刷术,造纸术和指南针)。要是人人都有月嫂,人口下降的问题就能解决了。 妈妈有很多感慨。爸爸妈妈都很不容易啊。一边睡不够累,一边还要处理很多问题。他们都很努力。爸妈也都想要好好体验这一生。妈妈变了很多。学着享受人生。学着享受这个bus ride。可能我们会去别的国家。我们能应对么?我们是一家人。我们在哪里都会紧紧的拥抱。

Rose is here 11/11/2024

 Wow! We did it. That was a marathon!  Happy Birthday to Rose Leah Lan-Kharasch! Born at 2:37 PM at 11/11. At 3610g (or 7lbs 15oz in imperial units) Both baby and Mom are doing fantastic and Rose is HUNGRY!

Where did September go:)

Today (Oct 1) Mommy "officially" takes her PTO days off. And guess what, we had such an event packed September, she forgot to write the blog! Haha It was a lot going on.  September, oh right, we waved byebye to YeYe and Nainai. Then we went to the Olympic park for our "glamping" Maybe best summarized by the food that mommy prepared: Wagyu beef, Quinoa and broccoli? Salmon collar? pork potato? burrito? Every morning breakfast? How come we did not take any pictures of mommy's fantastic creations? :P Let's also remember- we did not pack any lights, we saw a dead seal on the beach, we saw a lovely lake and an ok hurricane ridge haha

We are growing fast!

我的中文越来越好了。现在我可以讲好多话和爷爷奶奶还有好多新朋友交流都完全没问题啊。我最近去向日葵园玩的时候还给妹妹也买了一个小刺猬的玩具。这样我们就一人一个了。妈妈说我是一个非常温柔的哥哥。我们会一起照顾小妹妹。我的朋友Lucy来了她和我一起跟玩照顾小宝宝的游戏。 爷爷奶奶就要回去啦,我会想他们的他们很快也会回来看我的。到时候我就又长大一岁啦! 妈妈和爸爸,你们希望成为什么样的父母呢? 妈妈和爸爸你们希望我成为什么样的人呢?小帅哥?嘿嘿,那个是基本要求嘛哈哈

Are we too busy ;P

July is the same busy. Every weekend is filled with something. Maybe we missed a lot in June? Anyways, my mandarin level had leaps and bounces! 我会说好多好多的话还有唱 好多好多的歌。 爸爸妈妈也把房子买了。好像都差不多了。其中有很多累的复杂的地方。他们都很努力的去解决了。 mommy daddy also got sick a bit;( I am so sorry.  I look forward to my little sister:) I told others: 我也有一个小宝宝,她在我妈妈的肚子里面:)

What a great trip!

 We just spent a wonderful week in Boston. Mommy was a speaker/panelist in a conference. I am so proud of her! My tummy was not good, so we went to the emergency room in the best hospital in US… I saw several doctors and then they said I am ok. I was very scared when they sent me to do ultrasound. But I did it! Mommy and daddy love me! We also went to museums, art institutes, coffee shops, New Hampshire and Maine! We did a lot of fun art projects too. Daddy and mommy also had a great time. We bought lots of souvenirs as you can see. Oh, please meet Peddy, my pet lobster!