On Sunday Oct 17, mommy recorded my official roll! Yah yah yah! I rock and roll! Yay yay yay! On the same day, we went to a house hunting trip as usual. And we found a perfect (well, almost perfect 🤩) house! Let’s see if we can get it! Glad that we did not give up… Also we started sleep training. I cried about half hour the first night, 18 mins the second, and 1 min yesterday… wow!!! Let’s see! Mommy still had to wake up 3 times every night though. Hmmm… During my 6months check up, I got 5 vaccines including 4 shoots. I only cried a few seconds and smiled at the nurse in the end. Mommy and Daddy are so proud of me💕💕 We also got the flight tickets for Yeye and NaiNai! If everything works, I will see them Nov 20th!! OMG! I can’t believe it! We miss them so much! Oh, I also started solid foods… first, rice cereal. I guess I like the bowl much more than the rice cereal?:) haha yum yum yum! So many updates, I grow fast, right? XOXO!