
Showing posts from April, 2022

Look at my tree!

 It is blooming! Mom is so happy:) We are going to see tulip festival tomorrow. It will be the first time that we see it as a family and for dad, yeye and nainai! I am so happy to have you all! I was also really good at egg hunting!

My 1st birthday 🥳 🎂 !

 Mommy and Daddy stayed at home to celebrate with me! We had so much fun today! I ate a big bagel, lots of other food。我有抓周 第一个抓到球但是据说不算😂因为我最近常玩。然后我又抓了老虎钳,鼠标和大骰子,我对金钱看也不看,虽然奶奶好像很想让我抓😂. I went to grocery shopping with mommy grandpa and grandma. Then I took a good long nap. Then I went to a planter! A very good one. There we picked up an apple tree. It is about the same height as I am. We will grow together! Love you all!!!