Thanks Mommy and Daddy

 I did not want to eat in Wednesday. Mom was so worried. She drove to the school many times and tried to help the teachers. But I still did not want to eat. Finally mom picked me up and we went to the botanical garden! It was fun! Well mom got exhausted 😩 well, she said it was worth it! 

Then Dad came to help on Thursday and Friday. Finally I started eating a bit.

Here are the strategies they tried:

1 feed when hungry, 2, put a bit on lip let him play and encourage him. He may play a bit or get distracted but that's fine. Eventually he will eat. 3. Less distractions (maybe try to feed him in the other room) 4. Messages us. Dad will come over. 

Anyways. Hope next week will be better… Mommy and Daddy were so worried. Growing is difficult. I am a happy boy. So happy that we are a family! I love you mommy and daddy!

I recently also like sitting up a bit more. Hmmm, also I like standing up a lot haha. Maybe I will be a sports player? Not sure haha



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